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In the beginning God created the Basic Trainee

In 1966 when I entered the Army, I did so with the understanding that I would soon be on my way to Ft. Wolters, Texas to become a Warrant Officer Candidate and fly Helicopters. Instead I was informed that since I was Color Blind I couldn't be a Warrant Officer. So, on through Basic Training at Beautiful Downtown Ft. Polk, LA. This place had to be the armpit of the Universe. If not, then it was definitely in second place. I actually, breezed through basic and took the test to go to OCS. I figured if I was going to be in this man's Army I wasn't going to do it as an enlisted man.

On passing the Exam for OCS I elected to attend the Armor School and wound up at Ft. Knox, KY.  Ft. Knox is a really good looking military installation, as military installations go. I really had a good time in AIT. I remember my Platoon Sgt. SSG Kopp. He was probably one of the most knowledgeable and funny NCO's that I ever worked with. I remember during our final FTX we spent the night on the side of a hill and in the morning I found myself outside the pup tent covered with snow. This was the 31st of October 1966. Since that time I have despised snow. I do not like the stuff. During this period of time I was re-acquainted with Kip Casino whom I had known as a military brat. I also became good friends with Ralph "Griff" Edwards. I remember this because all three of us would wind up at Ft. Sill, OK attending Artillery and Missile OCS. 


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