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Mel's Family
Mel's War

Then He created something lower... The Officer Candidate

On the serious part I did real good in Gunnery. Tactics was another story. I don't think I ever really understood keeping a "reserve". If the mission of the Artillery is to Move, Shoot and Communicate, I couldn't understand the necessity for a reserve. Oh well, it didn't matter where we were going. I don't remember ever hearing the word reserve in Viet Nam. On 29 May 1967, we graduated. Finally, we were considered the most feared and dangerous entity on the Battle Field. A brand new Second Lieutenant!

I thought this OCS was going to be a snap. I was so strack I got a weekend pass after only three weeks in OCS. Well, Lt Featherstone, our Tac Officer at the time, saw to it that it never happened again. Lt Haas kept up the tradition of sending me up the "Hill". I became so good at it I was the Jark Commander my last five weeks in OCS. (That included "Happy Battery"). I managed to rack up 32 trips. At the end of OCS my platoon awarded me the piece of Oklahoma that came off of MB-4.
